Many people mistakenly believe that remedial massage is purely for those who wish to indulge in a pampering session, and who probably have too much time on their hands! However, with so many benefits of regular remedial massage – 8, in fact! - could you be missing out on something great?
1. It can correct problems in your body
Trained to assess your body and use specific techniques to address any injuries or joint issues, a remedial massage therapist will tailor a unique treatment plan for you that’s designed to change with your body, helping to improve your circulation, reduce pain and generally make you feel good about yourself.
2. Reduces stress
Stress is something that few of us can ever escape from, but with a regular remedial massage, you can encourage a sense of calm and wellbeing, and experience far less frequent bouts of anxiety and stress. Releasing endorphins, massage helps us to feel good and reduce the presence of stress inducing hormones such as norepinephrine, adrenaline and cortisol.
3. Boosts your immune system
When stress hormones are decreased during a remedial massage, your immune system becomes optimised; the increase in circulation and improved lymphatic drainage also give your immunity a boost.
4. Heightens mental alertness
When fully relaxed during a remedial massage, your level of mental clarity will improve, along with an increase in alertness.
5. Releases muscle tension and pain
By focusing on areas of your body that are stiff, injured or sore, the massage therapist can release trigger points, stretch and elongate muscles and break down adhesions. As the flow of blood to tissues in your body increases during the massage, and tension is released, you should notice your pain levels decreasing and harmful toxins will inevitably be released.
6. Increases mobility in joints
Joints that are no linger hindered by stiffness thanks to regular remedial massage, mean that muscle function can return to support and improve joint movement, and its range of movement can be significantly increased.
7. Improves posture
If you spend a lot of time sat at a computer, you’ll inevitably experience a lot of tension in your neck, shoulders and even your lower back. With remedial massage, you can ease these problems by having your muscles lengthened and your body balanced out for improved postural alignment.
8. Improves skin tone
Did you know that massage can even give you healthy, glowing and toned skin? By reducing tension in the skin and adjoining tissues along with increasing circulation, remedial massage aids the nutritional cycle and encourages cells to regenerate. Also stimulating sebum production, massage helps improve the suppleness and softness of dry skin.
Still believe that remedial massage is a pure indulgence for people who don’t lead busy lives, and that you neither deserve nor will benefit from it? Well, if this article isn’t enough to convince you that need regular remedial massage in your life, I’m not quite sure what will!
To start feeling like the person you deserve to be, schedule your first remedial massage with a trained therapist today.